salam sume...
setelah lama ak xmerajinkan jari jemari ak yg pendek dan kasar ini untuk menulis blog..
barulah hari ini ak merajinkan jari jemari ku ini menaip keyboard,mengolah ayat dan menyusun perkataan untuk blog ak yang tercinta dan sangat disayangi ini.......(pew la yang ak merepek cam kerepek yg xjdk nie??)
Bab Pertama:NOVEL
ok la,first kli ak nk cter psal novel yang ak baru beli pada minggu lepas dengan menggunakan wang ayah ak(almaklumlah,still belajr lg n xde duit sendiri,mengharapkan ehsan ayah dan ibu untuk bg duit) dan telah ak habiskan membacanya dalam sehari..
nk taw pew tajuk novelnye??haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...............................
tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! "AKU KAN NOVELIS"
penulisnye adalh NuRuL ShAhIdA..............
trademark novel nie ialah "Dunia ini adalah pentas. Aku penulis skrip dan kau adalah watak yang ak matikan pada bab yang pertama".
menarik kan??
hurm...........secara peribadinye,ak ske sume novel beliau..
ayat2 dan perkataan2 yg digunakn sangat sempoi..
kirenye,perkataan yg bese kite(remaja dan belia negara ini)gunakan dalam kehidupan seharian kite secara tak formal atau 0wang putehnye kate'non-formal words' or cliche..
nak taw pew cter novel nie??
philosophy??mesti kowg pelikkn sejak bler lak ak yg cool yg cam xde prasaan nie ad philosphy..
haa..............jeng jeng jeng!
ak meng'create philosophy nie hasil drpd nasihat kawan2 aku..
psl pew ak mntk nsht dowg??
xyah lah k0wg tawpew halnye ..bler kowg bce philosophy nye,kowg taw la pew halnye..
nk taw x pew philosophy nye??
pew??xnk taw??
xnk taw SUDAH...ADE AKU KESAH??!
ak share ngan spe2 yg nk taw or yg sje2 or terpaksa amek taw demi menjaga hati ak yg kecil dan cepat terguris nie..muahahahahaha................
okie2..nie philosophy nye:
don't ever open your heart to someone when you know his/her heart already "booked" by someone else,don't ever have your eyes on someone,when you know his/her already has eyes on someone else and don't ever remember and miss someone when you know his/her never remember and miss you...
w0i jangan lah gelak!
ak nie p0mpuan,s0 sekasar-kasar ak nie..0f course lah ada sedikit jiwang..
hey y0u! you are the reason i create this philosophy....
you manage steal my heart and give me hope..
but now i realize that,it is useless and hopeless..
but thanks to you, i feel the pain of broken heart again..
but it is not your fault,it is my fault for fallen in love with you without you and i realize it..
but its okay now.........................
i already get over it and have get rid this feeling..
s0 mR.....................................
Bab Ketiga: BLA BLA BLA............
pew yg bla bla bla???
NoThInG tO wRiTe! NoThInG tO SaY!
mesti kowg bengang kan??
but you know what?

Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Finally i can forget HIM!!!
after 8 years i keep his name in my heart,
i keep his pictures in my heart,
i keep our memories deep in my heart,
only now i can fully forget HIM!!!
how i can fully forget HIM???
well thanks to fathie,my friends..
for telling me his true color..
maybe its a little bit late,but i don't blame her because she doesn't know my feeling towards him..
before this, i heard so many bad things about him but yeah i'm not listening..(almaklumlh,mse 2 still ad feelin kt die)
but i REALLY EXCITED to tell all of you that I FULLY FORGET ABOUT HIM!!!!
i knew,i had wasted my time,my energy,my tears for this eight years..
so i'm NOT GONNA do such STUPID things anymore!
yeah he might had gave me such a great sweet memories to keep but he also had gave a great bitter and sour memories to me too that i would never forget!!!
it hurts me a lot and i will never ever forget about it!! you got it??
and now,
this is the time for me to starting new........................................................................................................
right now,my heart only belongs to ALLAH S.W.T, RASULLAH S.A.W, MY PARENT,MYSELF, AND MY FAMILY!
so if there a guy out there wants to me to write his name in my heart, he must accept that he is the number six that are important in my life!
sorry to say,but i realize now that a love from a guy is not important as ALLAH,RASULLULAH,MY PARENT,MYSELF and MY FAMILY!!! (*_+)
i keep his pictures in my heart,
i keep our memories deep in my heart,
only now i can fully forget HIM!!!
how i can fully forget HIM???
well thanks to fathie,my friends..
for telling me his true color..
maybe its a little bit late,but i don't blame her because she doesn't know my feeling towards him..
before this, i heard so many bad things about him but yeah i'm not listening..(almaklumlh,mse 2 still ad feelin kt die)
but i REALLY EXCITED to tell all of you that I FULLY FORGET ABOUT HIM!!!!
i knew,i had wasted my time,my energy,my tears for this eight years..
so i'm NOT GONNA do such STUPID things anymore!
yeah he might had gave me such a great sweet memories to keep but he also had gave a great bitter and sour memories to me too that i would never forget!!!
it hurts me a lot and i will never ever forget about it!! you got it??
and now,
this is the time for me to starting new........................................................................................................
right now,my heart only belongs to ALLAH S.W.T, RASULLAH S.A.W, MY PARENT,MYSELF, AND MY FAMILY!
so if there a guy out there wants to me to write his name in my heart, he must accept that he is the number six that are important in my life!
sorry to say,but i realize now that a love from a guy is not important as ALLAH,RASULLULAH,MY PARENT,MYSELF and MY FAMILY!!! (*_+)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Which color suits your personality?
i just took this quiz from facebook..
and the color that suits my personality is...........................BLUE!
blue lover is a:
You are blue! You are a deep, sensitive dreamer. You are usually laid back and calm, though, like an ocean, you can kick up a good storm, too! You are probably a daydreamer, who has his/her head in the clouds. You love spending time with your friends, and probably just ...go with whatever they want to do (you're a go with the flow type of person, just like water!). You are emotionally inclined - unlike reds, who feel passionately and intensely, you feel things deeply and strongly. You are extremely loyal, and your friends can always count on you to be there for them. Blues are almost always very intelligent, and they strive for perfection in many areas. You may tend to beat yourself up for your imperfections. Other people admire you and strive to be like you, but you probably have a hard time understanding why. You can be light and fun at times, and other times deep and introverted. It just depends on your mood. Sometimes you throw people off with your random changes in disposition, but your friends love you anyways. You can be a very wise, intellectual person, but you have to pull yourself up out of your own thoughts first! You, in a nutshell: Deep, emotional, wise, loyal, slightly moody, feeling, sensitive, supportive, intelligent. BLUE!
and the color that suits my personality is...........................BLUE!
blue lover is a:
You are blue! You are a deep, sensitive dreamer. You are usually laid back and calm, though, like an ocean, you can kick up a good storm, too! You are probably a daydreamer, who has his/her head in the clouds. You love spending time with your friends, and probably just ...go with whatever they want to do (you're a go with the flow type of person, just like water!). You are emotionally inclined - unlike reds, who feel passionately and intensely, you feel things deeply and strongly. You are extremely loyal, and your friends can always count on you to be there for them. Blues are almost always very intelligent, and they strive for perfection in many areas. You may tend to beat yourself up for your imperfections. Other people admire you and strive to be like you, but you probably have a hard time understanding why. You can be light and fun at times, and other times deep and introverted. It just depends on your mood. Sometimes you throw people off with your random changes in disposition, but your friends love you anyways. You can be a very wise, intellectual person, but you have to pull yourself up out of your own thoughts first! You, in a nutshell: Deep, emotional, wise, loyal, slightly moody, feeling, sensitive, supportive, intelligent. BLUE!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Dugaan2 ALLAH dalam hidupku..
Masih jelas di ingatan ak dua hari sebelum bermulanya Ramadhan tahun 2008, ibu menelefon ku memaklumkn bhw ayah ak akn menjalani pembedahan jantung atau bypass dsebbkn hampir semua saluran jantung ayh tlh tersumbat..dan pd mlm itu gk ak k0l en. airil, lecturer ak utk menanyakn prosedur yg leh dlakukn utk mntk cti khas, alhamdulilah berkat nsht n tunjk ajr beliau ak gaghkn dri pd keesokn harinya utk membt prmhnn cti khas trsbt..meskipn ad seorg lectrr ak yg xmemahami, tp alhamdulilah kebnyknnye memahami trmsklh koordinator program ak pd mse 2..dan pd tggl 1 Ramadhan, ak cekalkan hati meneruskn niatku utk pulg bg menziarahi ayhku..alhamdulilh, ak tlh dtemukn dgn seorg kakk yg baik yg menergkn kpd ak cre2 utk ke terminal bas mlh membantu ak menahn bas..shgga skrg, ak mghrgai jasa kakk trsbt n msh brhubg dgn beliau..sdg ak 0twy ke trmnl bas, ak dmklmkn yg ayh telh dmskkn ke blik bedah n sdg menjlni pembdhn..hanya ALLAH sje yg taw prsaan ak mse 2..alhamdulilah,urusn kepulgn ak ke rmh(pd mse 2 d Alor Star, Kedah) tlh dprmudhkn-NYA..dan alhamdulilah, pembedahan trsbt berjaya dan kini kshtn ayh semkn baik..TERIMA KASIH YA ALLAH!
Peristiwa kedua berlaku pd final exam sem lps...spt biasa, ak akn menelefon ibu atau ayah pd setiap hari..ptg 2, ak kol ibu tp x bragkt..s0, ak kol ayh..ayh kte ibu munth2 spnjg 0twy blk umh d selgr..n the worse, ibu pengsan..jd ak decde kol ibu wktu mlm..lps maghrib ak kol ibu blk, tp achik yg agkt, achik kte ibu da sedar tp xleh bgn n xleh ckp..mse 2 hnye ALLAH sje yg taw prasaan ak..prasaan ak brcmpr baur, lantas slps s0lat isyak ak buat solat hajat n bce yassin utk kesejhteraan ibu n ayah..dan alhamdulilah, kira2 hampr tgh mlm ibu kol ak..ak cbe thn drpd nangis tp xbrjya sbb ibu trlbh dahulu dpt kesn ad nada sebak dlm prckpnku..mse 2 ak sedih, takut, gembira, syukur,terharu n mcm2 lg..syukur kepd ALLAH s.w.t.,ibuku beransur sihat wlaupn bukn sepenuhnye dsebbkn penykt saraf yg dihidapinye..nmn ak yakin, brkt izin ALLAH penyakit ibuku akn pulih..INSYAALLAH..
biler kenang blk..betapa ALLAH Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang terhadap aku, ibu,ayah dan adik..DIA menguji kami krn mgkn pd saat itu kami telh jauh drpd-NYA maka didatagkn ujian kpd kmi agr kmi kembali mendektkn dri kpd-NYA..dan sesungguhya ALLAH Maha Pengampun..maka DIA mengampuni dosa kami dan kabulkan d0a kami serta memulihkan kembali keadaan kami..
aku percaya ALLAH menguji kami sekeluarga krn DIA menyayangi kami.....
Peristiwa kedua berlaku pd final exam sem lps...spt biasa, ak akn menelefon ibu atau ayah pd setiap hari..ptg 2, ak kol ibu tp x bragkt..s0, ak kol ayh..ayh kte ibu munth2 spnjg 0twy blk umh d selgr..n the worse, ibu pengsan..jd ak decde kol ibu wktu mlm..lps maghrib ak kol ibu blk, tp achik yg agkt, achik kte ibu da sedar tp xleh bgn n xleh ckp..mse 2 hnye ALLAH sje yg taw prasaan ak..prasaan ak brcmpr baur, lantas slps s0lat isyak ak buat solat hajat n bce yassin utk kesejhteraan ibu n ayah..dan alhamdulilah, kira2 hampr tgh mlm ibu kol ak..ak cbe thn drpd nangis tp xbrjya sbb ibu trlbh dahulu dpt kesn ad nada sebak dlm prckpnku..mse 2 ak sedih, takut, gembira, syukur,terharu n mcm2 lg..syukur kepd ALLAH s.w.t.,ibuku beransur sihat wlaupn bukn sepenuhnye dsebbkn penykt saraf yg dihidapinye..nmn ak yakin, brkt izin ALLAH penyakit ibuku akn pulih..INSYAALLAH..
biler kenang blk..betapa ALLAH Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang terhadap aku, ibu,ayah dan adik..DIA menguji kami krn mgkn pd saat itu kami telh jauh drpd-NYA maka didatagkn ujian kpd kmi agr kmi kembali mendektkn dri kpd-NYA..dan sesungguhya ALLAH Maha Pengampun..maka DIA mengampuni dosa kami dan kabulkan d0a kami serta memulihkan kembali keadaan kami..
aku percaya ALLAH menguji kami sekeluarga krn DIA menyayangi kami.....
how can??
How can we start a new relationship ?
when we still remember the old one?
how can we move on when we really don't want to ?
how can we find the happiness if the old pain still not heal?
how can we give our heart to someone when our heart still broken ?
how can we love someone else if we still loving him/her?
how can we live when the one we love walks away from our life?
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